I didn’t want to drive out as I had too many chores to finish. However, my youngest brother kept noising beside my ears. “gagaga… yayaya…dododorrrrr…yorrrrr” yeah, it was my fault to promise him the simpson movie at 3pm. He ended class late hence I cancelled it instead. Ended up he couldn’t stop buzzing beside my ears. In order to shut him up, I brought him over for drinks at starbucks as I had this piece of buy one free one voucher on the azuki.
*happy--- buy one free one* Azuki Frappucino is created as summer drink. There are 2 types, the milk based with red beans or the coffee based with red beans.

I opted for the coffee with red beans without whipped cream while I got my brother the milk with red bean with whipped cream. Both (in large size) were well-blended and smooth and with lots of blended red beans. well, I prefer the coffee based azuki to the milk based one. Never think of red bean can actually come well with coffee. Yummy~
More Reviews:
Da Wheel of Life & Happiness
Any time you need some food for thoughts (after the tummy is full), please visit my blog http://motivationinmotion.blogspot.com and share it with your friends, especially those who can read Hindi(besides English)as well.
Thanks & Happy Blogging!
Sam Goh samgoh10@gmail.com
Any time you need some food for thoughts (after the tummy is full), please visit my blog http://motivationinmotion.blogspot.com and share it with your friends, especially those who can read Hindi(besides English)as well.
Thanks & Happy Blogging!
Sam Goh samgoh10@gmail.com
wow, this looks nice! how'd u get ur voucher? hmm, should try that out someday.
buy 1 free 1.. how nice. never tried azuki b4. shall give it a go next time. Thx for sharing :)
hi samuel, thanks for dropping by. definately will pay visit to your blog ^_^
wenching and leng, *kekeke* the promotion for the voucher is until today - 31july07. i am not sure if they still giving out new voucher on this drink. azuki, a nice drink to try out. but this also have to depends the skill of the barista. if his/her skill is not storng enought, it would be accidentally over sweet. both of these just nice but the one my second bro bought in Hartamas was tooo sweet. my brother gave me the voucher, no idea where he got that.
Spare we vouchers la so i can go out with my gfssSSSSs w/o bleeding in my wallet dat much xD
sui la ><
Hi babe....still remember me???? how r u doing???? I have added you to my blog so dat v can keep in touch yea...
francis, don't worry lar, if i still get any extra voucher, will spare you. k?! how many GFssss you have wor???
hi Jane, thanks for visiting here. gonna add u in my list too. *hehe* do keep in touch and then we meet out again with yenhong n puileng one day ya~
usually saw the Azuki ads on nuffnang ads...
but now i can see the look of it inside your blog....
looked nice~~~
Eh didn't know about this Azuki, thanks alot.
Wah, you are on a eating frenzy in Cheras huh lately? :-P Good good, I stay near there, now I know what to eat.
hi, devil's son. the azuki tastes nice but this also have to depends on the skill of the barista. should give it a try.
tankiasu, i stay in cheras, so... cheras will be my always-eating place. where do you stay?!
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